last updated: March 16th @ 6:35am

COVID-19 March 26th Update

Discover Life Family, Last week we informed you that a member of our church had tested presumptive positive for COVID-19, and that we were closely monitoring the situation. We also reiterated that these tests were only about 70 – 80% accurate. We have some good news today! The results have come back and the member is…

COVID-19 March 18th Update

Discover Life Family, It’s been an interesting week at Discover Life Church, but God is always in control! On Monday we received word that a member of our church was not feeling well and went to the hospital. After tests for the flu and pneumonia came back negative, they administered a test for COVID-19. Today…

COVID-19 March 16th Update

DLC Family, As I am sure you are all aware, we are living through unprecedented times. We’ve chosen to move forward in faith, and not in fear. We have a team here, at Discover Life Church working around the clock to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to keep your family safe, help…

COVID-19 March 13th Update

As of this morning at 6:00 am, Gwinnett County School activities have canceled. Because we currently use Gwinnett County facilities as a meeting location, we will be having our Sunday service online only this Sunday at 11:00 only. I feel like it’s important to communicate a couple of things here. There are still only 2…

COVID-19 March 9th Update

Dear Discover Life Family, I want to update you on what’s happening at Discover Life in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our area. Currently, there are 2 known cases in Gwinnett County. Like you, I’ve been following this evolving story with great concern. I’ve also reached out to local city officials and spoken…