If you’ve ever partaken in any kind of fast, there’s a chance that you’ve also at one point or another blown it. Failed. Cheated. Made an excuse. Whatever phrase you use, you know what I’m talking about. You set out to do one thing, and you ended up doing another.
It’s important to understand that blowing a fast isn’t a sin. There’s no ritual you have to do. There’s no guilt you have to feel. Do not fall into condemnation! (Romans 8:1)
We fast to draw closer to the Father; not so we fall into condemnation when we fail. There’s only one thing to remember when you fail. God loves you! (John 3:16)There’s only one thing to do when you fail:
Keep Going.
(Isaiah 41:10)
[…] Even if you fail several times, God always extends grace (Romans 8:1). Hit reset and keep moving! Do not let your failure be used by the enemy. […]