Team Member

Do you like to experience God in a hands-on manner? Do you want to see kids move in all that God has for them? Do you enjoy acting out stories, creating crafts, listening to prayers that affect a new generation, praising and worshipping with the best? Do you just enjoy being near those closest to the Kingdom of God? Then consider joining us in serving on a consistent basis as a Team Member.


VIP, or Very Involved Parent/Person, is geared to the parent or person already connected into an area of Ministry at DLC that still has a desire to serve with our kiddos.

Everyone deserves a chance to be a hero in the eyes of their child! And here is an invitation for you to become a VIP hero right in your own DLC community! Join us in our exciting “Grow with Me” initiative that connects parents/adults and children to experience Jesus together in our DLC Kids Ministry environment! As a VIP you will be celebrated as a guest and choose the activity that excites you! Perhaps you might want to come in as a mystery Bible Hero, read or tell a story, lead a game or craft directed by the leader of the room. Or be an “adult” pair of eyes for one of our High School Captains growing their skills at a teacher and leader in a ministry room. Just think, one time a month, – and the rewards… - priceless and ETERNAL!


Serve in our check-in area and be a part of the security team that keeps our kiddos safe. you are the hands, smiles, stickers and 1st time family tour guides.